Virulence - Cementing With Introspection

analyzing fragments of my
bodily experience
lonely flights on windy bridges
noble quiet southern sun
melodies neatly mold onto
internalized curvature

wave, concave
sighed, solidified
probe, overload
tried, unsatisfied

cave, sine-wave
cried, specialized
reach, others teach
styled, self-actualized

tones are bookmarks in my neural library
pulling tastes of dusty passions
cataloguing manuscripts of same story
cementing with introspection

teeth grinding, clenched
toes, fingers bent
eyes inverting
stone shapes drying

preparation for - final thinking hour
to walk through finished halls of
galleries with art - dear to this slowing heart
and outwit chaos with silence
analyzing fragments of my
bodily experience
lonely flights on windy bridges
noble quiet southern sun